We’re a pretty soulful bunch here at Ascent – being founded by a couple former pastors tends to have that effect – and I want to share an important way that our faith influences how we do business. Obviously anyone can share in our values regardless of background or beliefs… in fact a lot of what we value really ought to be just good common sense. But we gain a little extra mojo & inspiration in living our values out when they resonate strongly with our spirits. It sure makes it more rewarding to go to work!

  • It’s the extra push that leads us to maintain relationships of transparency, honesty & integrity with every client – even when a situation might make that difficult.
  • It’s why we seek to donate 10% of our time (a tithe, if you will) to non-profits & serving the community.
  • It helps us to be steadfast in only engaging in ethical SEO practices, even if that may mean results come more slowly.
  • It’s why we will often choose to pass on certain potentially lucrative engagements if they don’t jive with our conscience.
  • And even during times we’re feeling a little burnt out, its what gives us the extra push to give our very best efforts to every client regardless of their size or budget.

But most importantly, it’s what motivates our most important core value: servant leadership. One of the primary ways we live out servant leadership is to provide online marketing leadership to our clients through giving the very best, most over-the-top, outstanding customer service possible.

We live to serve.

One of the guys we draw service inspiration from is a dude from the scriptures that you’ve likely heard of: John the Baptist. Jesus was the headliner – but John was the opening act, marketing department and SEO consultant. John could have set out to make a name for himself – he could’ve gone for being the keynote speaker at all the marketing conferences. He could’ve written best sellers and had a huge Twitter following. He could’ve become a celebrity and a huge success on his own.

But he wasn’t about his own status, income, or reputation. Instead, he famously referred to Jesus by saying, “I must decrease, that he may increase.”

He went all-in and invested everything in promoting the true star of the show. He lived to serve, and was all about the success of another. He made it his mission in life to introduce people to a relationship with Jesus, and worked hard and made great sacrifices (ultimately his life) to fulfill that mission.

Maybe that’s heavier & more overtly spiritual than a typical online marketing blog post would ever go – but we’re tremendously inspired by his attitude… which is good news for our clients, because we’re truly not in this for ourselves.

We’re in it for YOU.

We want you to succeed, and make it our mission to do everything in our power to help you build relationships with new & existing customers. We want you to be the famous ones, the center of attention in your market. A win for you truly is a win for us. And in fact a win for you is really the only way we define a win at all. We’re all about you, and seeing you & your business increase.

So we’ll never push you to do work that doesn’t make any sense for your business, just because we would like more of your money. And we will always go above & beyond to do everything we can to make your initiatives a success. We’ll always treat you, your team, and your customers with the highest standards of respect and good humor. We’re always thinking of ways to help you get to the next level and are never content with what we’ve achieved for you so far. And while (of course) we seek to be fairly compensated for our work, we will never nickel & dime you over minutiae. Your small business’ overall success and satisfaction are far more valuable to us than a few extra bucks.

These are all ways we can serve you – so they’re no-brainers for us. We can’t help ourselves or turn it off… It’s just who we want to be. Websites change, SEO tactics evolve, and the next big thing is always coming. But if we serve your company’s best interests in every possible way, the impact we can have on your company, and ultimately on your life & the lives of your employees and customers – will be significant and lasting.

We believe that through living to serve, this little agency can actually make a positive impact in the world.

It’s crazy. But they said that about John the Baptist too.

Great customer service is costly…

…going above & beyond to achieve successes for another always is. Like John, sometimes those successes come at your own expense and at a sacrifice. But we are unwavering in our belief that if we think big picture, valuing your success above even our own is actually where the key for our own success lies.

We frankly believe that we’ll reap what we sow – your great experiences with us will lead you to refer us and open up the door to more opportunities for Ascent to grow. If we invest unselfishly in your business’ growth, then our business will grow as well, and grow in a way and for reasons that we can be exceedingly proud of.

We don’t want to grow the Ascent agency on the back of our awesome salesmanship, through slick presentations, or (ironically) through brilliant marketing schemes. We want Ascent to grow because we’ve helped to bring you such resounding success, and you’ve had such a delightful experience working with us, that you’re shouting about us from the rooftops and all your friends start beating down our doors.

Let us put our servant leadership approach to work for your business.

Contact us to schedule an initial consultation call.

For web design or comprehensive digital marketing services, contact us today!

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About the author : Lance Miller
By Published On: June 24th, 2014Categories: SEO & Online Marketing

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